Thursday, February 24, 2011

EXERCISE your RIGHT to GET RIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the VERY FIRST SUCCESS STORY of the GET RIPPED SYSTEM, I know how hard it can be to STAY ON TRACK.  Sometimes LIFE can GET IN THE WAY of GETTING RIPPED by making you have to deal with more pressing issues than getting your REPS in.

For example, when the Governor of Wisconsin tries to pass a bill that would take away workers' union rights, I decided that staying home and doing chin-ups was NOT the best way to spend my time.  Fortunately,

are a GREAT way to GET RIPPED! Not only do you get to exercise your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT of FREE SPEECH, but you also get to spend a LOT of time walking, chanting, and carrying signs around.  And if you don't think THAT'S good exercise, just wait till you see how tired you are at the end of the day!

Scott Walker (the Governor of Wisconsin) says he needs to take away RIGHTS to balance the state budget.  But ANY customer of the GET RIPPED SYSTEM can easily see the REAL reason he wants to take away workers' RIGHTS is because he's a POWER-HUNGRY CAREER POLITICIAN who is trying to make up for the fact that he is a giant

Just to prove my point,
I hereby
to an

That's right Walker, I DARE you to PROVE you're not the WIENER we all see you as!!!!!!!!!  If you can BEAT me, I'll TAKE BACK EVERYTHING I SAID about how you're an UNEDUCATED, OPPORTUNISTIC WIENER who only cares about POWER and MONEY!!!!!!!  I doubt you're up to the CHALLENGE, but YOU KNOW HOW TO GET A HOLD OF ME!!!!!!!!!!

To everybody else:  Remember, RIGHTS are like your BODY - they need EXERCISE!  

LOSE 'EM!!!!!!

I hear there's room for more in Madison this weekend....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Here at, we recognize that customers of the GET RIPPED SYSTEM come from all walks of life.  They have their own ideas about how to EAT RIGHT, how to EXERCISE, and how to NOT BE A WIENER.  Some are just casual readers, and some are willing to WORK HARD to get SUPER-RIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But everyone has a REASON for GETTING RIPPED, and mine is my

I highly recommend getting one of these.  Here's how they work:  When you have a GOOD WOMAN, you automatically WANT to GET RIPPED, so that you'll be the BEST MAN POSSIBLE for her.   Staying RIPPED will help keep your WOMAN happy, and when she's happy, you'll be happy too!  And with all that happiness, it's WAY EASIER to go out there every day and put in the HARD WORK it takes to get MORE RIPPED THAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!  It's called the RELATIONSHIP FEEDBACK LOOP OF GETTING RIPPED, and it looks like this:

That's right, the GET RIPPED SYSTEM is actually GUARANTEED to make relationships even BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!  It's just one more benefit of using the GET RIPPED SYSTEM.

If you don't have a WOMAN, just focus on GETTING RIPPED for now, because it's a proven fact that GETTING RIPPED increases your chances of getting one! 

are you waiting
for your 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You can't GO WRONG when you EAT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, I'd like to give some serious

to all the NEW CUSTOMERS of the GET RIPPED SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!  Welcome to the program, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...Now as you know, EATING RIGHT is one of the MOST IMPORTANT corners of the ESSENTIAL TRIANGLE OF GETTING RIPPED.  EATING RIGHT can be hard, though, because there are so many things that are GOOD FOR YOU.  If you had to eat everything that was GOOD FOR YOU, you'd never have time to GET RIPPED!  Well, here's a GREAT WAY to eat a LOT of GOOD-FOR-YOU foods all at once:

No need to choose between healthy vegetables anymore, SALADS solve that problem by putting them all together in one big bowl!  Here's what YOU NEED to build yourself a KILLER SALAD that will GET YOU RIPPED:

What you'll want to do is chop up ALL the healthy vegetables and store them in some refrigerator-safe containers.  
Be sure to throw the ends away, they're poisonous!

It kind of sucks at first because it takes forever to chop everything up, but once you're done you've got salad parts for the WHOLE WEEK and all you gotta do is throw 'em together whenever you want to EAT RIGHT and GET RIPPED!

By the way, the GREAT THING about SALADS is once you get more advanced at making them, you can add even MORE healthy salad parts, in fact you can add AS MANY AS YOU WANT!!!  Here's JUST A FEW of the millions of salad ingredients that YOU can use to design your OWN PERSONAL ULTIMATE SALAD:

    -black olives
    -green olives
    -avocado pieces
    -peppers or pepper pieces
    -red onions
    -green onions
    -yellow onions
    -white onions
    -certain types of beans

And if THAT'S not DELICIOUS enough, you can also use these flavor-adders...

...but BE CAREFUL - too much of these and your salad won't be GETTING you RIPPED, it'll be wienerizing you! 

so are you
yet, or


Thursday, February 3, 2011

As you know, WINTER is the #1 MONTH for GETTING RIPPED!  And when it comes to WINTER, NOTHING gets you RIPPED like's wet,'s cold, and it's HEAVY.   You'll get LOTS of exercise when you SHOVEL all that snow!  

Are you ready for some 
on snow-shoveling 
that you won't find 
anywhere else 

First, it's important to remember to 

If you're like me, you probably only like to hold your shovel ONE way.  But, it's important to remember that when Getting Ripped, SYMMETRY is important.  You gotta make sure that BOTH sides GET RIPPED an equal amount, otherwise one half of your body will end up more wienery than the other!    So make sure to 


Now, here's a BONUS tip for 

When the snow piles up SUPER high, you might be tempted to use the Scooping Off Layers Way when shoveling.  This is not recommended.

The problem is, you're leaning forward too much, and that's BAD FOR YOUR BACK, which is one of the most important parts of your middle part.  Plus, it takes too long.  Instead, try DOWNSCOOPING.

DOWNSCOOPING involves breaking off pieces of the snow with a downward scoop.  Then you just pick it up right off the ground in front of you!  You'll save your back and GET RIPPED at the same time!

**********STAY TUNED**********
((((((((((INFINITE CHALLENGE)))))))))))))

coming soon